Our Mission

EV3Lessons.com was started by Sanjay and Arvind Seshan from FLL team Not the Droids You are Looking For.

Along with Nick Faber, we are a 4th year FLL Team from Pittsburgh, PA.  We started writing lessons for teams competing in Western PA.  Then we were invited by local FRC Team (Girls of Steel) to teach programming at a camp to other FLLers.  We posted our first set of lessons online and other teams soon started emailing to see if had more lessons. The feedback was all great. So, we decided to write more lessons, create this website and share all the lessons with everyone! Improving the way we learn EV3 programming is our 2014 FLL Project.

We are excited that other FLL teams have joined us to help grow EV3Lessons.com. 

Other Teams Who Have Contributed Lessons

Lego Works

We are Lego Works, a 4th year FLL team. All of us are in 8th grade and will be aging out after this season. We hope to stay involved in FLL by mentoring rookie teams and volunteering at local tournaments.

Lego Works shared techniques and code for using NXT light sensors with the EV3.  Thank your Lego Works!

Link: Website

Hoosier Girlz

The Hoosier Girlz are a Girl Scout troop and a 3rd year FLL team.  Since they live in a university town, the team members (and their families) have come from around the world:  Colombia, India, Indonesia, Korea, Tanzania, Vietnam, and of course, the USA.  They are an amazing group of girls that have shown that STEM isn't just for boys!

Hoosier Girlz and their Coach have shared multiple techniques (Alternative Gyro and Stall Detection) on this site and provided valuable feedback to the Droids.  Thank you Girlz!

Link: Website

The Construction Mavericks

The Construction Mavericks are a team from Virginia!

They graciously shared their proportional turn techniques on this site used in the Proportional and Alternative Gyro Lessons.

Link: Website