FLLTournament.com modified by...Droids Robotics FLL World Class

Opening Doors
Was door opened by pushing handle down?

Cloud Access
Is SD Card up and was "key" used?

Community Learning
Is loop no longer touching model?

Robotics Competition
Is robotics insert installed?

Was loop released by slider and is no longer touching model?

Using the Right Senses
Was loop released by slider and is no longer touching model?

Thinking Outside the Box
Is idea on mat and bulb down?

Is idea on mat and bulb up?

Remote Communications/Learning
Did robot pull the slider west?

Search Engine
Was color wheel spun at least once (only by slider)?

Was only the desired loop removed?

Did robot take shot from behind "shot lines"?

Is ball touching the mat in the net?

Reverse Engineering
Is basket in base?

Is model also built?

Adapting to Changing Conditions
Is model rotated 90 degrees?

Are people bound to model?

Is model touching white circle around scale?

Is yellow handle engaged?

How many clicks were made?
1st click = 10%, 2nd+ click = +1%
Project Based Learning
How many loops are on scale?
1st loop = 20pts 2nd+ loop = +10pts
How many (touch/sprawl/junk) penalties?
-10pts each